Ceska verze teto stranky
BE2M31ZRE - Speech processing
Summer semester 2024/2025
Classes: 2 + 2
Doc. Ing. Petr
Pollák, CSc., room 462 / C4, E-mail at CTU FEL: pollak
Week timetable for the
course: BE2M31ZRE.
ATTENTION! - Due to small joined number of registered students in English and Czech variant of the subject Speech processing the lectures will be joined in the summer semester 2024/2025 and their scheduling is moved to Monday from 12:45. Seminars of English variant will be taught separately and their scheduling is without change on Tuesday at 11:00.
Schedule of LECTURES
Schedule of SEMINARS
BE2M31ZRE at FEL Moodle (authorized access)
Description of the subject:
The subject is devoted to students of magister study program and
the main target is to obtain basic infomation about speech
technology algorithms and application, especially with more focus on
applications in telecommunications.
Lectures in the subject gives basic idea about principles of
speech technology systems. Particular algorithms are practiced at
seminars usually with MATLAB environment. Also other tools for
speech signal analysis are used.
basis of signal and system theory (at the level of the subject
Digital signal processing),
basic programming ability
Conditions of subject passing:
- The subject is closed by assessment and by the oral exam. The
final degree is given both by the classification of exam a the classification of the work over the
- Requirements for the assessment / classification of the work at seminars - "A-F" (40 points)
- - 5 points - delivery of minidatabase of signals for the work during the semester,
- - 15 points - semestral homeworks,
- - 20 points - semestral test.
The achievement of minimum 20
points (classification "E") is the mandatory
requirement for the assessment!
- Students without the assessment
cannot pass the exam.
Seminar classification is given by following table based on the official Study
and Exam Rules for Students of CTU.
Classification degree ECTS |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Points |
40-36 |
35-32 |
31-28 |
27-24 |
23-20 |
< 20 |
Numerical classification |
1,0 |
1,5 |
2 |
2,5 |
3 |
4 |
English |
excellent |
very good |
good |
satisfactory |
sufficient |
failed |
- The exam is oral after short preparation and it is based on
answers to 3 given topics. The exam is classified standardly by degrees "A-F".
- FINAL SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION is based on the average of seminar and oral exam degrees.
Please, send me an email in the case of any problems.
pollak --- at --- fel.cvut.cz
Last change: Mon Feb 20 23:46:00 CET 2023