
Vowels: P1 (sequence) - A1, E1, I1, O1, U1 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
a: --- e: --- i: --- o: --- u:

Phone dialing train data: B0 (sequence) - C0, C1, ..., C9, W0, W1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Train sentences S0 - S9:
To prepare mustard cream, blend mustard with enough water to make a thin paste.
Fold into whipped cream and add a dash of salt and sprinkling of paprika.
Add a few caraway seeds, too, if you'd like.
Serve in frankfurter buns or as a meat dish.
Pretend ham: make criss-cross gashes on one side of skinless frankfurters.
Make a paste of brown sugar and mustard and spread lightly over scored surface.
Instructions for preparing clay, drying, glazing and firing are not given.
Materials: ceramic modeling clay: red, white or buff.
When mold has more than one design cavity, make individual paper patterns.
Opaque cantaloupe and transparent wood brown were used.

Vowels: P2 (sequence) - A2, E2, I2, O2, U2 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
u: --- o: --- i: --- e: --- a:

Phone dialing test data: B1 (sequence) - D0, D1, ..., D9, V0, V1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Test sentences Z0 - Z9:
Paperweight may be personalized on back while clay is leather hard.
Jars are assembled in bowl of butter mold.
Trim excess clay from around lip of mold and set aside while assembling lid.
Trim away excess clay; reinforce seam with a coil of clay.
Make lid for sugar bowl the same as jar lids, omitting design disk.
Set aside to dry with lid on sugar bowl.
Vases: make same as salt and pepper shakers, leaving off top pieces.
Vases may be made into candles by filling with melted wax and a wick.
A cardboard pattern cut to fit inside holder will help to prevent warping.
Let all projects dry slowly for several days.

Vowels: P3 (sequence) - A3, E3, I3, O3, U3 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
i: --- o: --- a: --- e: --- u: