BE2M31DSPA - Digital Signal Processing - LECTURES
Winter semestr 2024/2025
Program for the semester:
- Mo - 23.9.2024 -
Introduction to the Course.
Basic properties of digital signals.
- Mo - 30.9.2024 -
Advanced time-domain signal characteristics
Auto-correlation and cross-correlation function.
- Mo - 7.10.2024 -
Fourier transform of discrete signals.
DTFT and DFT - basic properties. Computation algorithms - FFT, DFT of real sequence.
Weighting windows.
- Mo - 14.10.2024 -
Spectral Analysis of Stochastic and Non-Stationary Signals
Short-time and long-time characteristics. Power spectrum. PSD - Power Spectral Density.
Signal periodicity in frequency domain.
- Mo - 21.10.2024 -
Signal and system representation in time and Z-domain.
Z-transform. Difference equation. Impulse response and transfer function.
Mo - 28.10.2024 - STATE HOLIDAY - Lecture is cancelled
- Mo - 4.11.2024 -
Basic and special digital filters (complex rezonator, 1st and 2nd order FIR and IIR filters, MA filters, comb filters)
- Mo - 11.11.2024 -
Properties and design of digital IIR filters (system discretization)
Approximations. IIR filter design in MATLAB.
- Mo - 18.11.2024 -
Properties and design of FIR digital filters
Properties. FIR filter design techniques, theory and
realization in MATLAB.
- Mo - 25.11.2024 -
Digital filtering in frequency-domain.
Implementation of linear an cyclic convolution.
Processing of long signals. OLS and OLA techniques
- Mo - 2.12.2024 -
OLA technique with
general window.
Techniques of spectral masking, weighting, subtraction.
- Mo - 9.12.2024 -
Signal resampling. Basics of Multi-Band signal Processing
Decimation, interpolation. Filter banks.
- Mo - 16.12.2024 - Selected application of digital filterings and effect of quantization in digital filtering
- Mo - 6.1.2024 -
Hilbert transform. Instantaneous
envelope. Demodulation.
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