
Vowels: P1 (sequence) - A1, E1, I1, O1, U1 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
a: --- e: --- i: --- o: --- u:

Phone dialing train data: B0 (sequence) - C0, C1, ..., C9, W0, W1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Train sentences S0 - S9:
Can thermonuclear war be set off by accident?
Are we as safe as we should be from such a disaster?
Readiness exercises are almost continuous.
They know little about their machinery beyond mechanical details.
But what if somebody decides to break it?
No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate.
Unless we send out the whole pie, their pieces mean nothing.
All three must compare notes and agree to go.
They were chasing a rain cloud.
Their gait is impossible to convey in words.

Vowels: P2 (sequence) - A2, E2, I2, O2, U2 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
u: --- o: --- i: --- e: --- a:

Phone dialing test data: B1 (sequence) - D0, D1, ..., D9, V0, V1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Test sentences Z0 - Z9:
We know that actors can learn to portray a wide variety of character roles.
Differences were related to social, economic, and educational background.
In tradition and in poetry, the marriage bed is a place of unity and harmony.
To many experts, this trend was inevitable.
They consider it simply a sign of our times.
While he was in custody his wife divorced him.
But such cases were, in the past, unusual.
Then we were off again.
But our stumping tour of the south wasn't all misery.
Now a distinguished old man called on nine divinities to come and join us.

Vowels: P3 (sequence) - A3, E3, I3, O3, U3 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
i: --- o: --- a: --- e: --- u: