
Vowels: P1 (sequence) - A1, E1, I1, O1, U1 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
a: --- e: --- i: --- o: --- u:

Phone dialing train data: B0 (sequence) - C0, C1, ..., C9, W0, W1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Train sentences S0 - S9:
You're afraid to talk to a guy you idolize.
Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.
Confusion became chaos; each succeeding day brought new acts of violence.
Higher toll rates also are helping boost revenues.
That added traffic means rising streams of dimes and quarters at toll gates.
Traffic frequently has failed to measure up to engineers' rosy estimates.
Progress is being made, too, in improving motorists' access to many turnpikes.
Under this law annual grants are given to systems in substantial amounts.
Within a system, however, the autonomy of each member library is preserved.
The desire and ability to read are important aspects of our cultural life.

Vowels: P2 (sequence) - A2, E2, I2, O2, U2 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
u: --- o: --- i: --- e: --- a:

Phone dialing test data: B1 (sequence) - D0, D1, ..., D9, V0, V1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Test sentences Z0 - Z9:
We congratulate the entire membership on its record of good legislation.
Thereupon followed a demonstration that tyranny knows no ideological confines.
Wooded stream valleys in the folds of earth would be saved.
His election, on the other hand, would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.
He spoke briefly, sensibly, to the point and without oratorical flourishes.
Further, it has its work cut out stopping anarchy where it is now garrisoned.
Fools, he bayed, what do you think you are doing?
So we note approvingly a fresh sample of unanimity.
It is one of the rare public ventures here on which nearly everyone is agreed.
Thus there is a clearer division of authority, administrative and legislative.

Vowels: P3 (sequence) - A3, E3, I3, O3, U3 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
i: --- o: --- a: --- e: --- u: