
Vowels: P1 (sequence) - A1, E1, I1, O1, U1 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
a: --- e: --- i: --- o: --- u:

Phone dialing train data: B0 (sequence) - C0, C1, ..., C9, W0, W1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Train sentences S0 - S9:
They were shown how to advance against an enemy outpost atop a cleared ridge.
We would lose our export markets and deny ourselves the imports we need.
The public is now armed with sophistication and numerous competing media.
But the attack was made from an advance copy.
One-upmanship is practiced by both sides in a total war.
This big, flexible voice with uncommon range has been superbly disciplined.
Her debut over, perhaps the earlier scenes will emerge equally fine.
He injected more vitality into the score than it has revealed in many years.
His portrayal of an edgy head-in-the-clouds artist is virtually flawless.
Not a corner has been visibly cut in this one.

Vowels: P2 (sequence) - A2, E2, I2, O2, U2 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
u: --- o: --- i: --- e: --- a:

Phone dialing test data: B1 (sequence) - D0, D1, ..., D9, V0, V1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Test sentences Z0 - Z9:
The master's hand has lost none of its craft.
He showed puny men attacked by splendidly tyrannical machines.
He may have a point in urging that decadent themes be given fewer prizes.
A tiny handful never did make the concert.
The humor of the situation can be imagined.
It all takes place in the eighteenth century.
His technique is ample and his musical ideas are projected beautifully.
What a discussion can ensue when the title of this type of song is in question.
Program note reads as follows: take hands; this urgent visage beckons us.
The orchestra was obviously on its mettle and it played most responsively.

Vowels: P3 (sequence) - A3, E3, I3, O3, U3 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
i: --- o: --- a: --- e: --- u: