
Vowels: P1 (sequence) - A1, E1, I1, O1, U1 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
a: --- e: --- i: --- o: --- u:

Phone dialing train data: B0 (sequence) - C0, C1, ..., C9, W0, W1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Train sentences S0 - S9:
Death reminds man of his sin, but it reminds him also of his transience.
Such a calm and assuring peace can be yours.
Look at the things we do to escape our fears and to forget our worries.
Meanwhile, the enemy will capitalize on our fears, if he can.
Our enemy is also threatening to devour us.
Yes indeed, we too can see a warlike host of infidels encamped against us.
We are all involved in them, deeply involved.
Later, we shall see what happened when an emperor took this idea too literally.
A helpful leaflet may be enclosed in the letter.
Psychologically the reception should be the climax, following the sermon.

Vowels: P2 (sequence) - A2, E2, I2, O2, U2 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
u: --- o: --- i: --- e: --- a:

Phone dialing test data: B1 (sequence) - D0, D1, ..., D9, V0, V1:
zero --- one --- two --- three --- four --- five --- six --- seven --- eight -- nine --- star --- hash

Test sentences Z0 - Z9:
This is no spectator-type experience; everyone is to be a participant.
Both eventualities are possible logically, but practically they are impossible.
He is not talking in the main about probabilities, risks and danger in general.
No political order or economic system is so clearly contrary to nature.
Would such an act of refusal be useful?
Often they are able to get in only because the area is declining economically.
An octillion atoms -- now let us see where this power comes from.
This is the atomic sun, the atomic nucleus.
At any rate, it shows us how immaterial we are.
The dead spirits occupied a prominent place in every hope and in every fear.

Vowels: P3 (sequence) - A3, E3, I3, O3, U3 - ATTENTION! Pronunce phonetically with 1 s pause between each vowel!
i: --- o: --- a: --- e: --- u: